Thursday December 1st, 2022
The seminar will cover the following four themes in depth:
- Procurement as a business function Practice reveals many terms to relate to procurement activities. As a result the view and expectations of procurement differs among managers and procurement professionals. What is the role of procurement, is it strategically relevant, and how to manage it? Are you a procurement hero or a business partner?
- Category Sourcing Category management is the corner stone for a successful business strategy. However, many sourcing strategies seem nothing more than well-planned tactics. Procurement is assumed to manage a spend that relates to budgets managed by other disciplines. Not seldomly, category sourcing leads to intra organizational conflicts. How to overcome such conflicts? How to develop effective sourcing strategies?
- Innovation sourcing Outsourcing has made companies and government dependent on their suppliers and service providers. Today most innovations come from external partners, who are not always willing to share their best ideas and people with all of their customers. Innovation sourcing through procurement: is it possible?
- Procurement with Purpose When outsourcing, companies and government have created over time complex, global supply chains, which created external dependencies and a massive carbon footprint. Should procurement change its global scope and change its sustainability orientation towards circular sourcing? Is it able to do so?
About the presenters
Professor Dr. Frank Rozemeijer
Since he started working in the field of Procurement and Supply Chain Management and co-authored his first book and article on the future of Purchasing (’Revolution in Purchasing’,1996), it’s Frank Rozemeijer’s passion to think forward and develop ’Next Generation Procurement’.
Since 2007, Frank Rozemeijer holds the NEVI Chair in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics and is responsible for setting up PhD research projects. Apart from his (part-time) academic work, Frank Rozemeijer has always been active as a consultant, trainer and executive coach.
Over the past 20 years, Frank Rozemeijer has also built a strong international reputation as a speaker and/or facilitator for conferences and in-company seminars.
Frank Rozemeijer is an active member of IPSERA, IMPGroup, ISM, and NEVI.