EFFSO, MTC Stiftelsen and Stockholm School of Economics present

CPO Meeting of Minds

Prof. Dr. Frank Rozemeijer and Prof. Dr. Arjan van Weele

Thursday December 1st, 2022 at 09.30 I Stockholm School of Economics
Cost: 4 995 SEK

Workshop and seminar December 1st, 2022

Exclusive workshop 09:30-12:00

The workshop is targeting a limited number of highly senior procurement professionals. The discussions will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Frank Rozemeijer and Prof. Dr. Arjan van Weele.

During the workshop the following topics will be covered and discussed in an interactive manner. Each topic will eventually be concluded in terms of a some suggestions and learnings:


  • Procurement and business innovation: How to foster and benefit from innovation in supplier relationships
  • Procurement with Purpose: How to drive sustainability and circularity and supply chain relationships
  • Procurement leadership and talent development: How to secure the best human resources for future procurement jobs and profiles.
Detaljbild på en åhörare som sitter och antecknar på ett papper.

Open seminar 13:30-16:00

Procurement should contribute to achieving a company’s strategic goals and objectives. But to do so in practice requires overcoming many dilemmas. The following four dilemmas will be presented and discussed during the seminar ”Unlocking the value of procurement”:


  • Procurement as a business function: What is the role of procurement, is it strategically relevant, and how to manage it? Are you a procurement hero or a business partner?
  • Category Sourcing: Many sourcing strategies seem nothing more than well-planned tactics. How to develop effective sourcing strategies?
  • Innovation sourcing: Innovation sourcing through procurement: is it possible?
  • Procurement with Purpose: Should procurement change its global scope and change its sustainability orientation towards circular sourcing? Is it able to do so?

About the presenters

Professor Dr. Frank Rozemeijer

Since he started working in the field of Procurement and Supply Chain Management and co-authored his first book and article on the future of Purchasing (’Revolution in Purchasing’,1996), it’s Frank Rozemeijer’s passion to think forward and develop ’Next Generation Procurement’.

Since 2007, Frank Rozemeijer holds the NEVI Chair in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics and is responsible for setting up PhD research projects. Apart from his (part-time) academic work, Frank Rozemeijer has always been active as a consultant, trainer and executive coach.

Over the past 20 years, Frank Rozemeijer has also built a strong international reputation as a speaker and/or facilitator for conferences and in-company seminars.

Frank Rozemeijer is an active member of IPSERA, IMPGroup, ISM, and NEVI.
